Project portfolio

Examples of the range of projects we have carried out over the last 10 years. We have not attempted to categorise our projects as they are inter-disciplinary and integrated in nature seeking to provide holistic solutions to coastal issues.
Identification and Implementation of Adaptation Response Measures in Drini-Mati River Deltas, Albania

Identification and Implementation of Adaptation Response Measures in Drini-Mati River Deltas, Albania

Knowledge-based Sustainable Management for Europe’s Seas (KnowSeas)

Knowledge-based Sustainable Management for Europe’s Seas (KnowSeas)

Peer Review of Protocols for Coral Reef Monitoring for Adaptation to Climate Change

Peer Review of Protocols for Coral Reef Monitoring for Adaptation to Climate Change

Enhancing the resilience of six coastal communities on Tongatapu to climate change impacts and disaster risks

Enhancing the resilience of six coastal communities on Tongatapu to climate change impacts and disaster risks

Implementation of the Bahrain National Planning Development Strategy (NPDS)

Implementation of the Bahrain National Planning Development Strategy (NPDS)

Formulation of Guidelines for Climate Risk Resilient Coastal Protection in the Maldives

Formulation of Guidelines for Climate Risk Resilient Coastal Protection in the Maldives

Commonwealth Ocean Governance Capacity Building Preparation of a ‘How To’ Manuals Series

Commonwealth Ocean Governance Capacity Building Preparation of a ‘How To’ Manuals Series

Development of marine leaders in Asia, Caribbean, South America and Western Indian Ocean

Development of marine leaders in Asia, Caribbean, South America and Western Indian Ocean

Innovative Management for Europe’s Changing Coastal Resource (IMCORE)

Innovative Management for Europe’s Changing Coastal Resource (IMCORE)

Professional Capacity Development Partnership for Coastal Zone Managers in Europe and Asia

Professional Capacity Development Partnership for Coastal Zone Managers in Europe and Asia

Coastal Habitats and Resource Management (CHARM)

Coastal Habitats and Resource Management (CHARM)

Coastal Habitat Mapping Project– St. Lucia

Coastal Habitat Mapping Project– St. Lucia

Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ)

Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ)

Policy Review of Coastal Fluxes in the Anthropocene

Policy Review of Coastal Fluxes in the Anthropocene

Monitoring and managing marine resources of Laem Son National Park, Thailand

Monitoring and managing marine resources of Laem Son National Park, Thailand

ICZM Capacity building and training for India

ICZM Capacity building and training for India

Establish and operationalize a National Institute for Sustainable Coastal Zone Management in India

Establish and operationalize a National Institute for Sustainable Coastal Zone Management in India

Independent evaluation of ICZM in Europe

Independent evaluation of ICZM in Europe

Short and Medium-term Priority Environmental Action Programme (SMAP)

Short and Medium-term Priority Environmental Action Programme (SMAP)

Science and policy integration for coastal system assessment (SPICOSA)

Science and policy integration for coastal system assessment (SPICOSA)

Building Capacity for Sustainable Governance in South Asian Fisheries: Poverty, Wellbeing and deliberative Policy networks

Building Capacity for Sustainable Governance in South Asian Fisheries: Poverty, Wellbeing and deliberative Policy networks

Coastal research and policy integration (Corepoint)

Coastal research and policy integration (Corepoint)

Caribbean Ocean Governance Capacity Building — Stakeholder consultation in Ocean Governance

Caribbean Ocean Governance Capacity Building — Stakeholder consultation in Ocean Governance