Identification and Implementation of Adaptation Response Measures in Drini-Mati River Deltas, Albania

The purpose of this GEF Medium Size Project was to assist Albania in establishing a mechanism by which strategies to moderate, cope with, and take advantage of the consequences of climate change are enhanced, developed, and implemented. We provided ICZM and CCA expertise to:
- Review existing methods and tools for ICZM within the context of climate change adaptation with specific reference to the SE Mediterranean region;
- Advise on the enhancement of ICZM in Albania and implementation of the Mediterranean ICZM protocol under the Barcelona convention to support coastal climate change adaptation.
- Advice on institutional strengthening and policy support for the expansion of the DRMD protected area.
As well as supporting the local project implementation team we delivered an ICZM training course, with respect to climate change adaptation, to selected national specialists and provided advice on adaptation options and recommendations on the mainstreaming of ICZM approaches in Albania. Further details can be found at