Integrated Coastal Zone Management – Independent evaluation of ICZM in Europe

We were part of the ICZM Evaluation Team of Rupprecht Consult – Forschung & Beratung GmbH and the International Ocean Institute in Gzira, Malta who made an external assessment of the EU ICZM Recommendation to:
- Evaluate the implementation of the EU ICZM Recommendation;
- Evaluate the added-value of ICZM in the context of relevant existing and evolving Community policies/legislation; and
- Identify where a need for further action exists as regards coastal zone policy and to provide recommendations for further relevant action at Community level.
We assessed and reviewed ICZM progress for France, Belgium and Ireland. The review included:
- Results of national stocktaking exercises describing the state of coasts and description and analysis of regulatory and planning and management regimes.
- Analysis of strategies proposed at national level for implementation of ICZM.
- Analysis of expected impacts of strategies on the status of coastal zones including of risks and uncertainties.
- An evaluation of the implementation and application of Community legislation and policies that have an impact on coastal areas.