Technical documents

Our aim is to understand the needs of our clients and work with them to produce outputs that specifically address the questions and matters that they have. Our technical reports are designed to provide information in a manner tailored to the audience for which it is intended. Here we present examples of some of the technical reports we have produced, or contributed to; other examples can be found on our ‘What We Do’ pages.


Integrated Marine & Coastal Area Management and the Convention on Biological Diversity

We produced an assessment of IMCAM principles, and practical guidance on integrating and implementing practices, in support of the Convention for Biological Diversity Objectives. This guidance was incorporated in the final Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity document to provide invaluable assistance as the Parties to the Convention strive to achieve their target of significantly reducing the rate of biodiversity loss. Click here to see the final CBD document.


Project synthesis in the context of UNEP-GEF policy

We produced a synthesis of the ‘The role of the coastal ocean in the disturbed and undisturbed nutrient and carbon cycles’ project and its contribution to the UNEP-GEF theme “Sustainable Management and Use of Natural Resources” as implemented by the Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) project. Project outputs were placed in their wider management context to make an assessment for future UNEP-GEF policy and funding priorities, particularly in the context of management relevant science.


Evaluation of the implementation of the EU ICZM Recommendation 2002

We contributed an evaluation of ICZM progress by France, Belgium and Ireland and contributed to a workshop for an independent evaluation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in Europe. The outcome of the evaluation assisted the European Commission to review the EU implementation of ICZM in Europe, and an evaluation report for further Community action on ICZM. More details on EU ICZM can be found at