Communication and dissemination for stakeholders

Balancing the need to conserve and protect environmental resources with drives to improve economies and human wellbeing at all public levels is a growing and persistent challenge. Linking environmental concerns with the needs of societies in a way that can inform and assist management and governance of coastal and marine areas, and the living and non-living resources they contain is important. We have a strong focus on developing strategies with outreach and education tools to efficiently and effectively present scientific information in a policy-relevant context. We have experience in using a range of different media types and formats to facilitate science-policy communication and the dissemination of project outputs and outcomes.


Policy guidance for ocean governance - Stakeholder consultation

For the IMCORE project this guide was produced to help users identify and engage with stakeholders. The guide brings the theory of stakeholder engagement into practice. It provides practical advice on how, why and when to involve their stakeholders in their planning/activity process to produce an action plan.



Integrated Coastal Zone Management - Theory and Practice

A practical guide to the multiple features of Integrated Coastal Zone Management with examples from Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries. The text covers ICZM concepts, context and tools to inform policy-makers and anyone working in the fields of coastal management, sustainable development and cooperation.


Knowledge-based Sustainable Management for Europe’s Seas

This EU FP7 project provided a comprehensive scientific knowledge base for the application of the Ecosystem Approach to the sustainable development of Europe’s regional seas. We designed a web site to provide practical guidance for policy makers, managers, educational institutions, NGOs and others interested in the marine environment.