Capacity building & professional training
Developing institutional capacity and capability to implement ‘future-proof’ management and governance is not easy and challenges many of the established norms of coastal and marine management. It requires sectoral barriers to be taken down and a balance between social, economic and environmental interests to be established. We have produced a range of products that can help clients develop professional skills and practices to meet these challenges.PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT TRAINING
Developing trainer-of-trainer capacity
The Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Training (ICZOMAT) project’s purpose was to enhance the capacity of Indian universities to provide effective and sustainable training and advisory services in Integrated Coastal Zone Management (IZCM) in order to establish effective institutional capacity at Federal and State level for integrated coastal planning and management. This manual describes the training process that emerged from the project.

Coastal Matters reference database
Coastal Matters maintain a Mendeley reference manager of over 3500 academic papers and grey literature reports tagged with key words. The database is updated monthly and we hold PDF copies of all the referenced literature. This database gives us unrivalled access to the world of coastal and marine affairs and climate change knowledge to provide cutting-edge approaches and information that informs our work. Please contact us for further information.
Community co-management
Co-management is a partnership between resources users and governing organisations. This manual provides practical advice on the implementation of Community Based Monitoring (CBM) to empower local communities in monitoring their local environment and resources, and to use this information in a structured way for decision making to improve sustainability of their resources and livelihoods.