Coastal & Marine Planning, Management and Governance
The challenges of managing and governing the coastal and marine space to take full advantage of social and economic opportunities without compromising the environment are complex and many. Although integrated and holistic management is recognised as the best way forward, methods and approaches to implement such approaches are challenging. We are experienced in meeting the demands for integrated approaches to address barriers to 'Blue Growth' to support sustainable growth in the coastal, marine and maritime sectors. We can provide you with tailored solutions and advice to help you overcome obstacles to meeting your future goals and visions.COASTAL AND MARINE GOVERNANCE
Policy guidance for ocean governance - Stakeholder consultation
Support to the Economic and Legal Section (ELS) of the Commonwealth Secretariat to develop more integrated and collaborative approaches to ocean governance. We designed and implemented a stakeholder survey on the future issues and economic opportunities surrounding ocean governance for the region that addressed three thematic areas: a) Securing access to marine resources; b) Realising the value of the ocean economy; and c) Supporting mechanisms to deliver integrated ocean governance.

Bahrain National Planning Development Strategy
Part of WS Atkins team tasked by the Ministry of Municipalities and Agriculture (MoMA) to implement the Kingdom’s National Planning and Development Strategy (NPDS). Activities led to the preparation of a National Integrated Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning strategy for the Kingdom of Bahrain, including designing approaches for Stakeholder engagement and education; Institutional arrangements and writing a series of policy guidance notes.
Professional training for practitioners in ICZM
Working with Universities in the Netherlands, Portugal, India and Vietnam we led the production of curricula guidelines to permit delivery of work-related multi-disciplinary and cross-sectoral teaching of Integrated Coastal Management as a holistic management tool to promote the wise and sustainable development of coastal zones in both Europe and Asia. A key feature of the project was to build an awareness of human dimensions and approaches for social analysis as part of environmental management.