Integrated Coastal Zone Management – Science and policy integration for coastal system assessment (SPICOSA)

SPICOSA, a consortium of 42 partners across Europe, was an EU integrated project that aimed to create a self-evolving, operational research approach framework for the assessment of policy options for the sustainable management of coastal zone systems. SPICOSA contributed to the understanding of social interactions within coastal zone systems and how these impact the environment and future policies. It supported the implementation of existing EU Directives and ICZM good practices. The initiative was based on the insight that policy has not been able to respond effectively enough to human pressures on the coastal environment. A more innovative, thorough approach is needed to treat the coastal zone as an integral functioning system (the CZ System) and to focus more on providing prognostic information to decision makers on how a CZ system might respond to sustainable technical options or management strategies. Limited training opportunities for coastal professionals in Europe prevent them from benefiting fully from advances in scientific knowledge. This need coincides with the SPICOSA objective of strengthening the link between Science and Policy. Specific tasks included: support to economic assessment for coastal activities at systems study site (Cork, Ireland); support to design of education packages for ICZM and systems approach; and design and delivery of professional training packages for ICZM and systems approach. More details can be found on the project website