Innovative Management for Europe’s Changing Coastal Resource (IMCORE)

Funded by the EU Interreg IVB programme and involving 17 partners, including Univ. of Cork, Cardiff, Gent, Aberdeen, NGO’s and local councils across NE Europe, this project aimed to promote a transnational, innovative and sustainable approach to reducing the ecological, social and economic impacts of climate change on coastal resources. The project fostered collaboration between coastal practitioners and scientists using the principles of sustainability science to demonstrate the effective implementation of adaptive management strategies for coastal resources. Using concepts of scenarios and climate change adaptation the project identified impacts of a range of specified climate change scenarios on coastal sectors and the development of a response in the form of strategies for adaptive management. Our inputs contributed to all aspects of the project and we specifically developed an adaptation strategy guidelines manual and produced a principles of stakeholder engagement manual. We worked with regional agencies to develop a coastal network with capacity to develop coastal adaptation strategies. Further details can be found on the project outreach website