Peer Review of Protocols Coral Reef Monitoring for Adaptation to Climate Change

The Government of Maldives is receiving support from the World Bank-managed Climate Change Trust Fund (CCTF) to deal with adaptation and mitigation of climate change, which includes implementing a Coral Reef Monitoring Component as a components within the “Wetland Conservation and Coral Reef Monitoring for Adaptation to Climate Change Project” (WCCM). The objectives are to pilot capacity building for coral reef monitoring by tourist resorts to provide objective evidence of links between climate change, the health of coastal and marine ecosystems and the environmental, social and economic goods and services that these coastal and marine ecosystems provide. The objectives of the assignment were:
- To review the draft protocols that had been prepared in the context of the objectives of the Coral Reef Monitoring Component from an environmental and socio-economic perspective;
- To recommend changes to improve and/or add to the protocols to ensure that they comply with international norms and in particular those of the International Convention on Biological Diversity and the Framework Convention on Climate Change.